Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Susan J. Jensen Fibre Art

Well it was time that I start showing you what I have been doing in the fibre art world!  I'm part of the most wonderful and inspiring group of women who make me feel that I might just be a fibre artist. (well okay a wanna a be!)

My journey as a quilt pattern designer is a busy one, but when I have time, I love to create fibre art.  I didn't really know that what I was creating was known as fibre art.     I like to dye fabrics, paint threads, paint on silk, hand embroider, felting, mix mediums to name a few, so I guess you get the picture.  My group told me that this was what I was creating.

I'm a firm believer that we all need to work in our right brain to give life balance.  My Dad had a great influence in my life and encourage all of us in the family to be nice, kind, gentle, how to share, to laugh, appreciate the world around us, to never take it for granted and most importantly how to play!  We need to remind ourselves and our children and grandchildren the importance of play and to learn there is more to life than the world of computers, TV, and cellphones! Introduce them to the wonderful world of painting, sewing, woodwork, drawing or colouring!

So here is what I create when I play. Just try it, you will be amazed with what will come out of you!

This was felted with wool roving and eyelash yarn.

This was handpainted, then I did some couching, decorative stitching, used a little angelina and organza, then quilted.

This is rubbing alcohol, sharpie markers, tsukeniko inks, emboridery and quilting.

This is hand dyed silk, decorative stitching, felting, cotton balls, organza and angelina.  Then a fabric frame!

I hope you enjoy them and let me know, I would love feedback!


  1. Congratulations! I'm happy to see you showing your beautiful pieces!
    Great choice of background!

  2. Thanks Vivian, check out my next piece.

  3. Beautiful! Can't wait to see it up close!
